Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Are You My Mother?

Mommy is leaving me next week for the Google Sales Conference. Daddy will be taking care of me on his own.

Daddy? Do you know how to take care of me? It's pretty easy. Here are my instructions:

Mornings: I get up at 6:30 and require food immediately. Mommy usually nurses me. I dont think that works with you though. So - give me about 8 ounces of formula please. Dont forget to change my diaper too. Get me dressed please. Grandpa will pick me up at 7:15.

Evenings: Grandpa will bring me home about 8pm. Please be home on time. I go to bed at 9pm. Please change my diaper and put on my PJ's. Will you read to me? Can we play "super baby"? I guess I have to have formula again, huh? Okay - give me 8 ounces. Please dont forget to burp me...or I will cry!!

Rinse. Repeat.

Mommy will be home late Friday night and Daddy goes to Las Vegas that day!! When will we all be together again? Does my Daddy have a gambling problem?


Balancing Momma said...

Oh my god - I love this picture. I'm actually tearing up. You guys are so beautiful.

Balancing Momma said...

Lol on everything. This is one of my favorite posts.