Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pay Me Under the Table

My favorite place in the house is under the dining room table. Especially when people are eating. I love to look up at Aunt Tara or Uncle Jason and surprise them. My head now bumps the glass - this is new because just last week I was able to stand up without my head touching.

We got snowed in on Friday. We were supposed to go to Cousin Steven's Bar Mitzvah in DC...but we got almost a foot of snow. And there was no milk for me! Of course Mom had wine and Dad had scotch...but no milk for baby. WTF?

Anyway - we finally got out on Saturday morning. Mommy bought me an elmo doll. This thing scares the crap out of me and yet - I cant look away.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Not Quite Ready for a Marathon

I know I know - I'm a mess. My hair has mac and cheese in it and I am getting around in a diaper. It is way past my bedtime and I am wired...but I am learning to walk so give me a break.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Don't You Wonder What We'll Find...

Steppin out tonight.

I'm not quite Steppin' Out just yet. But I did take three steps this weekend. I was going to open with that Skynard song...but Mom would be very disappointed in my selection...so Joe Jackson it is.

And of course we have no video. You'll just have to trust me...I'm on the verge of walking.

What an excellent weekend. I didnt leave Mommy's side once. We didnt do too much. We were going to go to the aquarium yesterday - but we waited around all day for plumbers instead.

We did have a Judd Apatow weekend. You really shouldnt watch his movies back to back.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Only 1/16th Italian...

But I love my pasta. Penne Vodka. Yum.

The big issue after this food fest was that we didnt have any water. Well we have some water - but there is sediment in it. Yuck. Country living sucks. There is no super to call to fix things. We need a whole new water filtration system.

Bad weekend all around. And then a 3 hour commute in this morning. The Gabays sure are cranky today. I think we need a vacation.

The good news is that I will get some new clothes today. Since Mommy cant wash my clothes (sediment), she has to buy me new outfits.

Monday, February 4, 2008

19-0, My Ass

Did you hear that the Patriots patented "19-0"?? Idiots. Anyway - I went to bed in the third quarter. I am only assuming that the Giants won from the yelling I heard from Daddy & Uncle Jason. Dad took today off. And it looks like they got into a bottle of Grand Marnier after the game. Fortunately garbage pick up was today - so the beer bottles are gone.

I saw my cousin Mickey yesterday. He's so funny. He just laughs all the time. Mommy was so happy that she could finally make a baby laugh. It's all so very pedestrian to me.

Uncle Jason was trying to get me to play with the football - but I wanted to read my book instead. I am going to be an eye surgeon, you know.