Thursday, June 19, 2008

Before and After

So there's Mommy at the Google National Sales Conference with Anne and Sara and a whole lot of unruly hair...and here is Mommy last night with 10 inches gone. And what? What? Is she wearing Google Pajamas? Really Mom? It's not enough that you have a Google umbrella, Pens, Towels, three hats, and a gazillion t-shirts? PJ's too?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!

So I bought my Dad a car for Father's Day. Not just any SUV, I heard they were really good on gas. Okay - Mom almost choked when she saw the Jeep got 13 MPG. But we'll just put a bumper sticker on there stating "Our Other Car is a Honda Civic Hybrid" - think anyone will believe us? Dad negotiated a great deal - because really, we're the only ones buying an SUV right now.

Wow - this photo kind of sucks. It was taken with a cell phone camera. I look super spooky.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Fun in the Sun...and the Tub

It was 97 degrees yesterday. And it's hot today. And it's going to be hot tomorrow. I dont do very well in the heat...I take after my daddy. We had a fun weekend - first weekend since March that we didnt have any obligations. Mommy took me to Julie's house and we hung out with Kate and Olivia. Julie set up a water park in her back yard. It was magical...until the thunderstorm. Then we all got in the bath tub. Well - Not Mommy and Julie.

The best part of the day was I didnt have my nap. And for two straight hours I terrorized mom will a full on tantrum.

Mom leaves for San Francisco today - she'll be gone til like midnight on Friday. Daddy's all on his own. Again. It's so sad.

School is fun. We go to the park and play in the sprinklers.

Monday, June 2, 2008

BBQ - Daddy's Birthday

We had our annual BBQ this weekend. It was only my second time, but I am getting to be a pro. I spent most of the day on Great Aunt Lori's lap and Great Aunt Debbie's lap. They were keeping me busy with cherry tomatoes. We have exactly zero pictures from the party because mom and dad were too busy bringing stuff out of the kitchen or bringing stuff back into the kitchen.

Here are the highlights:

- There were 15 kids. We hung out in my brand new playroom!!
- Tara made a kick-ass Ziti that we will be eating for the rest of the week.
- We ran out of wine. And ice. But the kegs kept flowing.
- Mike Gasparri made chocolate chip cookies and mom hid some before she served to the masses.
- Thunderstorm didnt hit til 7pm. But Grandpa Joe set up two tents to keep us dry.
- Mom got drunk. So did Grandma Linda.
- Grandma Tootsie's Applecake was the best ever.

My first Yankee Game!!

And it was in a SUITE! I lead the good life. But - I will always be able to say that I saw a game at the old stadium! I was pretty good - and finally fell asleep during the 7th Inning Sretch. I slept through the 8th inning where the Yankees took the lead and ultimately won the game! Sweet! Suite! :)