Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Face Painters

Thanks to Caden's grandpa - we finally have food in the neighborhood. There is a noodle shop, a pizza place, and soon - a deli! Since we live 10 miles from nearest grocery store - you can imagine how excited we are.

There was a big Grand Opening last weekend and I got my face painted - I wanted pink flowers and I got them.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Best Friends

Though I am very excited to go to my new school in August - I will be so sad to say goodbye to my two best friends. Sydney (in red) and Tabby (in purple) have been my schoolmates for three years! I cant wait to see them every Monday.

I hope that I can still see them sometimes on the weekends. Maybe we can meet at the zoo!!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Three nights with no power. It sort of sucked ass. We pioneered it through the first night. Dad had an awesome fire going so the house was warm. And mom managed to cook some stuff between the grill and the wood burning stove. But we had no water...and at a certain point...you need the water.

Checked in to a hotel on Friday. We were not alone - all of Putnam and Dutchess county were also at the hotel...with their dogs and everything. Of course hotel was sold out next night so we had to move hotels. Traveling caravan not knowing where we are going to sleep from one night to the next. Not fun.

Mommy just burst into tears yesterday. She has a ton of work to do - but has been having a hard time b/c I have literally been up her butt for four days.

We finally got home last night. And then we threw out hundreds of dollars of food.