Monday, July 16, 2007

City Slicker

Well - I started school last week. I now join Mom & Dad on their commute to the big city. What a trip. Mom drives in while Daddy sleeps in the backseat with me. Mom doesnt realize that I am awake while she listens to the Howard Stern show. It's a little inappropriate for my little ears. But George Tekai is on this week and I always enjoy him.

I went to Mommy's office twice last week. She works in a kiddie wonderland. There is a playroom, a lego station, snacks, and scooters flying by with engineers on them. I also went to Daddy's office. It's ridiculously boring.

So let's see...School...My teachers are Brenda, Rosie, and Janelle. There are about 8 babies in my age group. I am the only girl (again). Where are all the girls? Actually - there were three new baby googlers born yesterday: all girls. Congrats Tiffany & Amy (Amy had two).

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