Monday, October 13, 2008


As in the Season...
As in how I got off this swing...

It's a three-day weekend! Sort of...Mommy had to use a vacation day today and Daddy had to go to work to see a client. We went to the park yesterday and I fell off the swing. 

On Saturday, I got to hang out with Aunt Tara. She watched me while Mom and Dad played in a poker tournament. They were so anxious to get home to me that they gave up their spots (to Grandma and Grandpa). Then Daddy made a big ham. What a good jew. 

1 comment:

Andrés Acosta said...

I like ham, I think. Actually, I don't know, I change my mind about food everyday. If I keep it up I'll always be littler than you. Is that cool with you? Anyway, tell your dad not to cut ALL your hair off. That's a bit drastic don't you think?