Monday, August 20, 2007

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da

First word? We're not really sure. Back in May I said "Bye" to Uncle Mike. So I think that was my first word. But then I didnt talk again for a long time.

Then last week I started yelling "Bag dad Bag dad Bag dad". I am either up in arms over the war in Iraq or I am kindly demanding a prada purse from my father. But mostly I just babble DADDADADADADADADADADADA and then I blow a big raspberry. Oh I learned that it's really fun to blow raspberries right after Mom puts food in my mouth. My art work is on display all over the house.

This weekend was great. Mommy was home from California and I decided to take residence up her ass. I freaked whenever she left the room. I also decided we needed to play in the middle of the night - both Friday night and Saturday night. Mom got no sleep at all. She got me back last night though. She turned the monitor off. Daddy slept upstairs with me and Mom got 8 hours sleep.

1 comment:

Andrés Acosta said...

talking already, she definitely takes after you!