Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Happiest Grandpa Alive!

Sunday was Mother's Day. I have a lot of Mommies. There's regular Mom. Then there's all the Grand Mommies: Linda, Norma, Phyllis and Irene. On Sunday, we went to Tia Jacqui's house and I saw my cousins! Here is a picture of me and Nicole. Matthew was sleeping. And Alex was playing with my Daddy.

I'm getting better at eating cereal and I'm also getting better at sleeping.

I'm going to see my cousin Joseph this weekend. I'm very excited to see him. He's going to sleep in my crib and I will sleep with Mommy and Daddy. I hope the weather is nice. Maybe we can go to the lake. Did I tell you that we have lake access at our house? And there's a beach called Children's Beach? I can't wait to go swimming.

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