Monday, April 2, 2007

Happy Passover!

It's Passover! For the next 8 days I will be eating unleavened milk. And we will leave a glass of wine out for Elijah...but I think Mommy is the one who will drink it.

Let's see...isnt this a cute little onesie? Julie bought it for me. And Mommy bought me a dress that matches it. The changing table is my favorite place in the house. I love to kick my legs while having my diaper changed.

I slept 5 1/2 hours last night! Mommy couldnt believe it and checked on me a few times - she was worried that the monitor was broken.

1 comment:

Balancing Momma said...

It is a cute little onesie. You will match your momma in that outfit since she loves orange!