Mommy called Aunt Tara and Uncle Jason just to make sure that they were home. When Tara called back, I kicked Mommy so hard that her water broke. Aunt Tara drove us to the hospital and Daddy met us there.
Mommy was determined not to get an epidural...but after hours and hours stuck at 3cm - she finally caved at 2am and asked for the goods. At 6:30am on December 19th - we were finally 10 cm dilated! And we started to push me out. It took Mommy 90 minutes because she couldnt feel a damn thing. Finally, they had to use a plunger to suck me out. I had a cone head for a few days - but I think my head looks okay now. I mean it's huge, but it's a fairly normal shape.
I didnt have a name until 9am. All the nurses kept asking "what is her name" and my idiot parents kept saying 'we dont know'. Finally, I just told everyone "My name is Naomi!!"
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