Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Happy Father's Day! I have best Daddy in the whole world.

He lets me help with his garden. He picks flowers for me. He plays Candyland with me. He takes care of me when I hurt myself. He makes brushing my teeth fun. He stays with me when I am scared at night. He buys me the prettiest dresses. He always makes me feel special & beautiful. He is also going to help me get Swiper to stop swiping.

100% a Daddy's Girl.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Surf is not up...

Because we are at a little lake. But Mommy is going to take me to the "beach with big waves" soon. Hopefully Daddy can come too.

We are having a good summer so far. I change schools soon and I really cant wait. I'm getting very tired of my long commute.

Mommy's belly is super huge. And I talk to the baby all the time. I have to let her know who is boss before she gets here.