I went to the Google picnic yesterday and had a fabulous time. I ate corn, french fries, corn, french fries, and then more corn. You should have seen my diaper this morning. I hung out with: Ben, Sara, Tim, Laura, Anne, Nick (and his lovely family), Melissa, Kevin and his beautiful wife Katherine (or Catherine? Or Cathryn?). I also got to meet Griffin Vennard who lives really close to me. I heard my mom talking to his mom about having BBQ so maybe I'll see him again soon. You have to realize that NOBODY lives close to us - so this is very exciting to me.
Daddy is working working working working working. I think he's slept only like 6 hours this whole week.
Thank you Jen Pifani for taking photos of me (my idiot mom forgot the camera again). Here's more with Nick Jr.: http://picasaweb.google.com/nick.pifani/2008_08_14GooglePicnic#
Also - Anne Rubin's collection, found here: http://picasaweb.google.com/rubin.anne/GooglePicnic#