Monday, October 29, 2007

Cold November Rain

Cold October Rain? Anyway - nasty rain all last week. We stayed in the city at the Westin and I met some of Mom's coworkers - Sarah and Kristen. And Scott and Jay. And I saw Kolleen again! And Amy & Sonya.

Then we went to a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday. Cousin Alan is now a man. Woohoo. My first time in a temple. I got to see the entire Gabay family. And I played with my Tia Jacqui. And cousin Alex made me laugh.

Let's see ... I dont have any new tricks this week to report. Still clapping a lot. I'm finally laughing a little bit. Mom tries so hard to make me laugh - every now and again I throw her a bone and give her a little "haha". But I really make her work for it.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Rubber Duckie, you're the one.

Here's me in the tub. It's tasteful though - because my big belly is hiding my privates. I'm too big for the kitchen sink now, so I am in the grown up tub.

We had a good weekend. I got to see my cousin Micky again! I'll get those photos up soon, I promise.

Busy week - Mommy has her Tech Offsite and we're staying in the city. Maybe I'll get to meet my Dallas fan base....Laine and Lindsay - hope to see you at the Westin!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Naomi Matisse

That's right, my first masterpiece. We already got a $10k offer for it from Melissa Fletcher. But mama said no way - and it's hanging on our fridge.

So here I am eating - again. I've got some chicken and cheese. I'm sort of a human garbage daycare they give me what the other kids cant finish.

Also - I know how to clap now. I just havent figured out WHEN to clap. Like this morning, I was hysterical crying and clapping my hands. Mom told me I was doing it all wrong.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Can You Believe This?

There's a new baby in town. This is my cutie cousin Micky with his Mommy, Aunt Beth-Anne. I am no longer the COA (center of attention). But that's okay...when nobody is looking, I'll just eat him.

So yea - I love to eat. Really. I tried more stuff this weekend. I do NOT like grapefruit. That's for shit sure. But I was sort of digging the cheesecake at Marisa's house. We went to visit Mommy's friend from elementary school. They havent seen each other in like 15 years. Marisa has a pretty baby named Adriana. She is a bit older than me and she showed me her books and her toys. She ate my food too. They have a big dog named Max who licked my face.

My new trick of the week...I can get into sitting position from my tummy. I am very proud of that move. I look around to seek out approval.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I Am What I Am.

I have off from school for Columbus Day - but Mom & Dad have to work. I will be going to Grandma & Grandpa's tonight for a sleepover! My parents are going to go to Plum Bush tonight without me :(

Speaking of restaurants - I have been eating like crazy. Anything you put in front of me. I ate fistfuls of spinach yesterday. Just like Popeye - I'm going to be big and strong so I can run marathons with Mommy. Of course my spinach was saturated with garlic and olive oil (check it out another Popeye reference). I also had plums, cheese, pizza crust, french fries, corn, asparagus, and a bagel.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Keep on Moving, Don't Stop.

I am mobile!! And wow is it exciting. Do not even try to pick me up - I want to move around on my own now. Imagine Mom's suprise when she left the basement door open on Saturday morning. When she came back upstairs, my little head was peering down the stairs. Um, Mom, want to be more careful please?

I got to see my boyfriend Caden on Saturday. He was showing off on his slide. But I was too busy eating the pretty orange leaves.

And I saw Tara & Jason last night. I havent seen them since we went on vacation and that was a whole month ago. They didnt have Milo with them though. I miss Milo.

Okay - I am trying to get video of me scooching around the floor (we cant call it crawling just yet). But I need Mommy or Daddy to get off their lazy asses and download it from camera to computer. I havent mastered the software yet.