My Daddy loves me so much. And he kisses me all the time with his hairy face. Why doesnt he shave for me?
He gets up really early and drives into the city all day - leaving me home alone with Mommy. He works really hard. He gets home about 8pm and then Mommy and Daddy have a glass of wine. I can tell that Mommy wants to have a glass earlier - but she waits patiently for Daddy to come home first. She only has one glass a day so that I dont get too drunk. I get just enough to put me to sleep.
Daddy is funny. When I cry, he turns up the volume on the TV. So I cry louder. It's a game we play. And at night - he snores so loudly that he doesnt even hear me cry. He doesnt like to change my diaper. But Mommy leaves me home with Daddy sometimes and he doesnt want me to have a dirty diaper - so he's good about keeping me fresh. He spoils me. I used to cry all the time when I was having my diaper changed - but Daddy bought me a 'wiper warmer' so now my baby wipes are warm on my tush.
He also set up a web cam so that he can check in on me during the day. I try to be pretty and happy when he is watching - but sometimes I can't help it and I cry. I cant be happy all the time.