Sunday, December 30, 2007

I Heart the Holidays

Not just because of all the presents! But we saw so many people this week! We visited with the DiGiorgios, the Gasparris, the Platts - everyone is off from work, it's great. And of course, I love being up Mommy's butt all day, every day.

The Gasparri Girls came over yesterday...that's Julie (the mom) and Kate and Olivia. Here's a picture of us having fun.

Tomorrow we go to Chapel Hill to see my BFF Ava. She is 11 days older than me. It will be my first trip on a plane. I hear it's a pain...especially during the holidays. I never fly without my lucky hat...ha ha.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sloth? Greed? Gluttony?

So exhausted. So overwhelmed. It's been non-stop holiday action with the Kiernans. Went up to Rhinebeck on Monday night. Then everyone was at our house last night. Dad cooked: Ham, Leg of Lamb, Meat (on a stick no less). Grandma made Turkey. Mommy made crabcakes. I got a ton of toys. Toys. Toys. Toys. I dont even know what to play with first. Then Mommy started to pack up like 90% of the toys and she put them away!! How does she know which ones are my favorites??? Oh yea - I got TWO rocking horses!! I got a ton of instruments. Daddy's going to get me prepped for a music scholarship.

Thank you everyone for my gifts. I finally understand the true meaning of Christmas.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Water Cooler

Do you like my new outfit? Sara Kleinberg bought it for me! Her friend made it. You can buy your own at!

Daddy! Come Back!

When Daddy goes outside, I stand at the window and wait for him to come back in. If you ask me "where's Daddy?" I will point to him. Or I will point to his office.

If you ask me to clap my hands, I will. On Demand! I can also point to your nose when prompted.

I did not nap today. And I am a monster. Now that Hanukkah and my birthday are over...I can focus on Christmas.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

Here's a picture of me with Melissa. I had dinner with her last night. She took care of me while Mom & Dad went to the Grey Christmas party.

Today is my birthday!! One year ago today - at this exact time - Mom's epidural was wearing off.

Do you think I can have some cake today?

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tribute to my Grandmas

I have four's me with two of them. They love me even when I'm a brat. Dont I look like Grandma Gabay?

I will see them all over the next week. If you've forgotten - it's my birthday this week. And there's holiday celebrations to come.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Go Shorty...It's your Birthday

I went to Aunt Jacqui & Uncle Julian's house yesterday and it was a present extravaganza. Lots of gifts from the Gabay family!! Not only were we making up for Hanukkah - but it's also my birthday!

Nicole's crying because it was her birthday last month. Now it's my turn. So many presents! And next week is Christmas with the Kiernans - so more presents???

I will be one year old on Wednesday. I can totally pull myself up now. And I know how to get my own water from the water cooler.

Monday, December 10, 2007

"No" means "Yes"

I am totally fabulous. Here's what I learned this week:

- How to point to my nose when asked.
- How to shake my head "no".
- How to pull myself up to a standing position.
- How to walk while holding on to sofa.
- How to sip Grand Marnier from a snifter.
- How to pick my nose (see photo).
- How to burn myself on a Menorah.

Friday, December 7, 2007

We have eight crazy nights...

Happy Hannukah everyone! We've been lighting these fun candles every night this week. And then dad says some crazy shit I dont understand... Barukh ata Adonai - what?? It's hard enough understanding English - now we're speaking Hebrew? Huh?

Then we spin the dreidel - which is really like playing craps. I see how this family works now.

So drink your gin-and-tonic-ah, and smoke your mara-juanic-ah,
If you really, really wanna-kah, have a happy, happy, happy, happy

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

C is for Cookie

So...this weekend we had grandma tootsie's big birthday bash. It's been one family event after another and I'm pretty wiped out. Between thanksgiving, Mickey's christening and both great grandma birthdays - I'm exhausted. But - no rest because there are many holidays ahead - Christmas and Chanakah and of course - my birthday.

Mommy gave me a cookie!! See the picture? I have no idea why you would give a kid sugar when you dont have to - but she did. Crazy mom and look at her crazy part...maybe it's time for a haircut mom? Oh and hey - you can view a video of me:

Monday, November 26, 2007

Micky & Me

Yesterday was cousin Micky's Christening. Now he is a shoe-in for a spot in Heaven! (I'm still chock full of original sin). They poured water over his little head and he was so good. He didnt cry once the entire time. I was acting up a bit so I hung out in the back of the church with Great Aunt Debbie. Here's a picture of me with Mommy and Great Aunt Lori and of course, Micky!

I also saw my other cousins: Alex, Matthew and Nicole on Thanksgiving. I dont have those photos yet. I spent the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Kiernan. Mom and Dad went to Atlantic City. Dad got four of a kind at Let It Ride. Now I can go to college.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Mommy loves me best...

When I am sleeping. In fact sometimes I think they give me stuff to make me sleep. I'll have to keep my eye on them. Well - this week I will have my first Thanksgiving Dinner
ever. We're going to the Pearl River Hilton (that's where Mom & Dad got married). Then I am going home with Grandma & Grandpa Kiernan for two nights. Mom and Dad are hightailing it to A/C. I wonder when Dad is going to teach me to play poker. I know when to hold em and when to fold em. And when to poop.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Is that all you got?

More food please. Especially mac & cheese. But really - I'll eat anything.

Long weekend! Mommy took the day off to be with me today. I've got some issues...ongoing diaper rash (my ass is angry red), a fever, a tooth coming in, and a leaky nose. I'm a mess.

We celebrated Great Grandma Kiernan's birthday on Saturday night. We got to see cousin Micky. And Grandma Linda bought me a ton of clothes. Including black velvet pants. I love them!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Home Sweet Home

This is me at home. I'm happy at home. I am not happy in tiny NYC apartments. As much as I want to be a city girl, I really like my home in the country.

We stayed in the sublet last week...but I was miserable. I kept Mom and Dad up on Monday and Tuesday nights. On Tuesday, I cried from 11pm until 8am the next morning. Mom looked like a train wreck. She picked me up early from daycare and took me home. And we stayed home on Thursday and caught up on our sleep. We left Dad in the city.

We're going to try to stay there again tonight. It's Mom and Dad's anniversary so they want to be together. Of course they cant go anywhere really nice because I'll be with them.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Cold November Rain

Cold October Rain? Anyway - nasty rain all last week. We stayed in the city at the Westin and I met some of Mom's coworkers - Sarah and Kristen. And Scott and Jay. And I saw Kolleen again! And Amy & Sonya.

Then we went to a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday. Cousin Alan is now a man. Woohoo. My first time in a temple. I got to see the entire Gabay family. And I played with my Tia Jacqui. And cousin Alex made me laugh.

Let's see ... I dont have any new tricks this week to report. Still clapping a lot. I'm finally laughing a little bit. Mom tries so hard to make me laugh - every now and again I throw her a bone and give her a little "haha". But I really make her work for it.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Rubber Duckie, you're the one.

Here's me in the tub. It's tasteful though - because my big belly is hiding my privates. I'm too big for the kitchen sink now, so I am in the grown up tub.

We had a good weekend. I got to see my cousin Micky again! I'll get those photos up soon, I promise.

Busy week - Mommy has her Tech Offsite and we're staying in the city. Maybe I'll get to meet my Dallas fan base....Laine and Lindsay - hope to see you at the Westin!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Naomi Matisse

That's right, my first masterpiece. We already got a $10k offer for it from Melissa Fletcher. But mama said no way - and it's hanging on our fridge.

So here I am eating - again. I've got some chicken and cheese. I'm sort of a human garbage daycare they give me what the other kids cant finish.

Also - I know how to clap now. I just havent figured out WHEN to clap. Like this morning, I was hysterical crying and clapping my hands. Mom told me I was doing it all wrong.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Can You Believe This?

There's a new baby in town. This is my cutie cousin Micky with his Mommy, Aunt Beth-Anne. I am no longer the COA (center of attention). But that's okay...when nobody is looking, I'll just eat him.

So yea - I love to eat. Really. I tried more stuff this weekend. I do NOT like grapefruit. That's for shit sure. But I was sort of digging the cheesecake at Marisa's house. We went to visit Mommy's friend from elementary school. They havent seen each other in like 15 years. Marisa has a pretty baby named Adriana. She is a bit older than me and she showed me her books and her toys. She ate my food too. They have a big dog named Max who licked my face.

My new trick of the week...I can get into sitting position from my tummy. I am very proud of that move. I look around to seek out approval.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I Am What I Am.

I have off from school for Columbus Day - but Mom & Dad have to work. I will be going to Grandma & Grandpa's tonight for a sleepover! My parents are going to go to Plum Bush tonight without me :(

Speaking of restaurants - I have been eating like crazy. Anything you put in front of me. I ate fistfuls of spinach yesterday. Just like Popeye - I'm going to be big and strong so I can run marathons with Mommy. Of course my spinach was saturated with garlic and olive oil (check it out another Popeye reference). I also had plums, cheese, pizza crust, french fries, corn, asparagus, and a bagel.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Keep on Moving, Don't Stop.

I am mobile!! And wow is it exciting. Do not even try to pick me up - I want to move around on my own now. Imagine Mom's suprise when she left the basement door open on Saturday morning. When she came back upstairs, my little head was peering down the stairs. Um, Mom, want to be more careful please?

I got to see my boyfriend Caden on Saturday. He was showing off on his slide. But I was too busy eating the pretty orange leaves.

And I saw Tara & Jason last night. I havent seen them since we went on vacation and that was a whole month ago. They didnt have Milo with them though. I miss Milo.

Okay - I am trying to get video of me scooching around the floor (we cant call it crawling just yet). But I need Mommy or Daddy to get off their lazy asses and download it from camera to computer. I havent mastered the software yet.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Box Blockers Ruin Everything

Oh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Mr. Bloomberg - Implement the fee to drive into the city I'll go into my piggy bank to pay for it myself!

I guess everyone is back from summer vacation because our commute has been HELL this week. It took Mommy and me three hours to get home from work on Wednesday! I cried my eyes out for the last hour. It was awesome.

We are trying to get a short term sublet in the city...who knew it would be sofa king hard. We lost the first one because Mommy told the lady about me. The lady didnt want any babies in her apartment. My first run-in with discrimination! We didnt get the second apartment because it turned into a bidding war. Who knows how long this is going to take.

So I went to the doctor's yesterday. No shots this time! I am a whopping 20 pounds, 10 ounces. Dont mess with me.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Candy Man Can...

This is Mommy & Me at Dockside Pub in Mahopac. We went on Sunday afternoon during our quest for a playground. We could not find one with swings for me. But we were the only ones at the restaurant and the piano man played songs for me - which was a great break from the Jimmy Buffett set he had going on.

We also went to Alex's birthday party. He's five now. There was a clown at the party. I've had enough clowns this year.

Saturday is Yom Kippur. I wonder if Mommy's going to make me fast. I dont know how much sinnin' I've done. Not sure what I am repenting for. I've got to figure this religion out.

Here's video at Dockside Pub:

Monday, September 10, 2007

Picnic with Grandma & Grandpa

I spent the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. They took me to the park in Tarrytown. Some sort of festival. The clown sort of freaked me out. But I'm a big girl - so I could handle it.

We also went to the hospital to see my new baby cousin. He's so freakin' small. I'm a big mama next to him. Oh I cant wait to boss him around :)

Friday, September 7, 2007

Meet Michael Joseph...

I have a new cousin! His name is Michael Joseph and he weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces. I got to meet him this weekend when Grandma and Grandpa were babysitting me. Then Mommy and Daddy came and met him too. Congratulations to Aunt Beth-Anne and Uncle Dan. Aunt Beth-Anne looks great by the way. I hope their first night home was good. Uncle Dan looks pretty tired. Cousin Michael farts a lot.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Daddy's Girl

Here's me with my papa on vacation. We rented a huge beach house with a pool. We got up early every morning and walked to the marina to look at the boats and the ducks. We watched the sun come up over the ocean. And we went to the playground. We walked on the boardwalk in Atlantic City and Daddy thought about getting a deep fried oreo. Yuck. I cant wait to go again next year. I hope there are some kids for me to play with next time. Maybe some cousins? My Uncle Dan and Aunt Beth-Anne should have a baby any second now.

I am sleeping over Grandma and Grandpa Kiernan's on Saturday. Mommy is going to D.C. to see Michelle and Jardena. Apparently they wanted to get together without us kids.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

On Vacation...

- I played with my cousin Joseph.
- I loved listening to Jason talk.
- I loved listening to cousin Richter laugh.
- I woke up every day by 5am.
- I still have zero teeth.
- I still have a cold.
- I went in the ocean!
- I went in the pool!
- I went on a swing!
- Tara & Jason babysat me so that Mommy & Daddy could go to dinner and gamble.
- I went into a casino! (but I got asked to leave).
- I love Chinese broccoli!
- I got hit in the head with a nerf football :(
- Mommy's exhausted.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da

First word? We're not really sure. Back in May I said "Bye" to Uncle Mike. So I think that was my first word. But then I didnt talk again for a long time.

Then last week I started yelling "Bag dad Bag dad Bag dad". I am either up in arms over the war in Iraq or I am kindly demanding a prada purse from my father. But mostly I just babble DADDADADADADADADADADADA and then I blow a big raspberry. Oh I learned that it's really fun to blow raspberries right after Mom puts food in my mouth. My art work is on display all over the house.

This weekend was great. Mommy was home from California and I decided to take residence up her ass. I freaked whenever she left the room. I also decided we needed to play in the middle of the night - both Friday night and Saturday night. Mom got no sleep at all. She got me back last night though. She turned the monitor off. Daddy slept upstairs with me and Mom got 8 hours sleep.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Rubber Duckie

I splash so much. I've been taking my baths outside lately. I guess I have to move into the big people's tub soon because I'm outgrowing this thing.

Look - I actually have some hair!!

I went to the beach twice this weekend. We also went to an auction. I loved listening to the guy talk. He talks faster than Mommy.

Mommy's going to California today. Daddy's got to take care of me all on his own. I hope I survive.

Monday, August 6, 2007

You Give Me Fever

Ah - my first fever. Daycare called Mom on Friday to come get me. I was on FIRE. Mom gave me Tylenol (which Cousin Richter calls "Grape Flavored Sleeping Juice") and that helped.

You'd think Mom would be all concerned about me...but no...she went to a wedding on Saturday night. I had a date with Daddy. We couldnt find a babysitter - so Dad quickly volunteered to skip wedding and take care of me.

And last night, I slept at Grandma and Grandpa's. Mom and Dad went to see The Police. I didnt sleep very well. I'm pretty congested. It's been one cold after another since I started Daycare.

But I am a happy baby. Here's video to prove it:

Sunday, July 29, 2007

I feel pretty oh so pretty

I'm wearing pretty dresses. Mom works with a very talented lady - Ms. Rachel. She makes pretty dresses for baby girls.

My favorite is the orange one. It has little horses on it. Perfect for my next day at the races.

Mommy got yelled at by the neighbor across the street. I am not allowed to say the word that Daddy uses to describe him. Anyway - he is mad because we had friends over the house on Saturday. We were on the back porch and I guess we were too loud for him. The funny part is - Tara wasn't even could have been much louder. I wonder if he will say anything to Daddy. Daddy will kick his ass.

Next weekend I will sleep at Grandma and Grandpa Kiernan's house. Mom & Dad are going to see the cops. The cops are playing music at the Meadowlands. Please. Don't. Stand. So. Close. To. Me.

Monday, July 23, 2007


I love the water. I love my baths, I love the pool, I love the lake...and I cant wait to go meet the ocean. We go on vacation in 4 1/2 weeks. Beach house right outside Atlantic City. True paradise adjacent to the ghetto. Hopefully our house is not too close to the pawn shops and liquor stores.

This weekend was lovely. We didnt have to go anywhere! Which is so nice - the last three weekends were so busy. We made a pact to not cross the Hudson River. I went to Grandma and Grandpa Kiernan's yesterday for a few hours. I miss them. I like daycare - but it's not the same. I watched Grandpa lose a poker tournament (there were 15,000 people playing) and then I watched the Devil Rays get their asses kicked.

Now it's Monday and it's pouring and our commute was horrid. Daddy's at home - still sleeping. He has today off. Mommy was supposed to have off too...but she's got too much happening at work. It took us two hours to get to the city today. Some flooding in the Bronx :(

Monday, July 16, 2007

City Slicker

Well - I started school last week. I now join Mom & Dad on their commute to the big city. What a trip. Mom drives in while Daddy sleeps in the backseat with me. Mom doesnt realize that I am awake while she listens to the Howard Stern show. It's a little inappropriate for my little ears. But George Tekai is on this week and I always enjoy him.

I went to Mommy's office twice last week. She works in a kiddie wonderland. There is a playroom, a lego station, snacks, and scooters flying by with engineers on them. I also went to Daddy's office. It's ridiculously boring.

So let's see...School...My teachers are Brenda, Rosie, and Janelle. There are about 8 babies in my age group. I am the only girl (again). Where are all the girls? Actually - there were three new baby googlers born yesterday: all girls. Congrats Tiffany & Amy (Amy had two).

Monday, July 9, 2007


I met my BFF on Sunday. Her name is Ava. She lives in Chapel Hill and she was driving through on her way up to Lake George.

My Mommy has two best friends - Can you say YaYas? - Jardena & Michelle. Or Jar & Shell. We only get to see each other like once or twice a year.

Jar has Mason (3) and Greta (almost 2). And Shell has Grace (3 this month) and Ava (11 days older than me).

I heard them planning a weekend without us kids. I guess we're a pain in the ass en masse. Looks like it, huh?

Grandpa Gabay's Birthday - Part Deux

There are just too many pictures from Saturday. Here's one of my Grandma Kiernan and Grandma Tootsie. And another one of me with Aunt Susan.

I had a fabulous time, but we didnt get home until after midnight and I was wicked tired.

Grandpa Gabay's Birthday

We had a surprise party for Grandpa on Saturday at cousin Richard's house. I went swimming before the party. Richard's house is Phat with a P. H. He has a volleyball court, a tennis court, a pool, a basketball court, a jogging path, a guest house - I cant wait til I'm older. I'll go to Richard's for summer camp.

There are so many pictures from Saturday night I dont know where to start. I guess I should show one of me with my Grandpa Gabay :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Boys of Summer

For a 6 month old, I certainly have a lot of boyfriends. Remember a few weeks back I talked about Tristan and Caden? Well here are some photos.

I hope Mommy and Daddy get out of work early today. Let's get this party started quickly. Happy 4th Everyone.

Monday, July 2, 2007

My Boyfriend, Andres...

I finally met my boyfriend - Andres! I am a big bossy brute compared to him. But he is only 2 months old so hopefully he will be bigger than me soon and I can be a delicate flower, not a beast. He's definately going to be a hottie because his mom and dad are both beautiful.

They made a yummy dinner for us - but everyone had to eat separately because Andres and I were in dire need of non-stop attention.

I am now in my big-girl convertible car seat. I took my first ride in the Honda Hybrid. Man is that thing small. I start daycare in a week so I will be commuting with Mom and Dad every day. I dont know how Daddy is going to sleep on the ride in with me in the backseat - he cant recline his seat anymore!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Street Sass to Win in the 6th

And that's how Tara won her second race. She won 4 of 6 races at Belmont Park. Jason did not I gave him a big hug to make him smile.

I think I got a tooth coming in. It hurts like a bitch and I have been crying in my sleep.

Mommy bought me a toy piano and I play like a rock star. Got to start working on that scholarship now. I start daycare in two weeks. I am a little bit nervous and I will miss seeing Grandma and Grandpa everday.